Community News
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Local Organizations
Just City - Inspired by the work of the Shelby County Public Defender’s Office, Just City was founded in 2015 by a group of activists attorneys, and civic leaders.
Mid-South Peace & Justice Center - The Mid-South Peace & Justice Center is a multi-issue, multi-race organization whose mission is to engage, organize, and mobilize communities to realize social justice through nonviolent action. We work to educate and train new community leaders to lead campaigns for racial, economic, environmental and social justice.
Memphis Grassroots Organizations Coalition - A coalition of organizations and individual members dedicated to dismantling oppression and injustice in the city of Memphis.
Memphis United - Memphis United is a coalition of grassroots organizations, community groups, and Memphis residents formed to confront structural and institution racism.
Center for Transforming Communities - Center for Transforming Communities is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the holistic transformation of neighborhoods and communities in and around Memphis, Tennessee. We were established in 2009, but trace our history through a number of past organizations, including CONECT, Inc.
Choose 901 - Choose901 is a movement of passionate Memphians who want to invest and enjoy their lives in the Bluff City. These are the people who know and believe that Memphis isn’t becoming a good city, but is already a great city. A real city with problems that need to be solved. A growing city with opportunities to be seized. A fun city with so much to enjoy. Choose901 exists to share these great things and introduce these great people to each other while being a positive megaphone to the rest of the world.
MICAH - MICAH (Memphis Interfaith Coalition for Action and Hope) is a coalition of community and faith-based organizations joining together to give a more powerful voice for issues of justice in our city. Our current platform concentrates on three pillar issues, economic equity, education equity, and race & class equity in the justice system.
Juice Orange Mound - Our mission is to develop and advance the self-reliance of Orange Mound and the larger community by building capacity and engagement among citizens and businesses
Memphis Artists for Change - We are an artist-powered community and economic development organization. Memphis Artists for Change creates opportunities for community-sanctioned change in underserved neighborhoods. Tameka Daniel founded MAC in 2012 with the goal of empowering communities to embrace their identity. She realized that the artists in her network could lead community service initiatives.
Upcoming Events
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Local Hero Spotlight
Members can nominate a local hero for recognition on their local city page!
Anyone and everyone can make an impact, and at LoveJustice we believe that they deserve to be recognized for their good, necessary work!